
Friday, September 12, 2014


Afflicted with showers of shafts by Bhimasena's grandson, viz., the brave Anjanaparvan, Aswatthaman looked like the mountain Meru bearing a torrent of rain from a mighty cloud.

Then Aswatthaman, equal unto Rudra or Upendra in prowess, became filled with rage.

  1. With one shaft he cut off the standard of Anjanaparvan. 
  2. With two others, his two drivers, and 
  3. with three others, his Trivenuka. And he cut off the Rakshasa's bow with one arrow, and 
  4. his four steeds with four other arrows, 
Made carless, Anjanaparvan took up a scimitar. With another keen shaft, Aswatthaman cut off in two fragments that scimitar, decked with golden stars, in the Rakshasa's hand. 

The grandson of Hidimva then, O king, whirling a gold adorned mace, quickly hurled it at Aswatthaman. Drona's son, however, striking it with his shafts, caused it to fall down on the earth. 

Soaring up then into the sky, Anjanaparvan began to roar like a cloud. And from the welkin he showered trees upon his foe. Like the sun piercing a mass of clouds with his rays, Aswatthaman then began to pierce with his shafts the son of Ghatotkacha, that receptacle of illusions, in the welkin. Gifted with great energy, the Rakshasa once more came down on his gold decked car. He then looked like a high and beautiful hill of antimony on the surface of the earth. The son of Drona then slew that son of Bhima's son, viz., Anjanaparvan, cased in an iron coat of mail



Drona to Duryodhana

O king, go and tell my son Aswatthaman who is present in battle that even at the risk of his life

  1. he should not let the Somakas alone. 
  2. Observe all the instructions thou hast received from thy father. 
  3. Be firm 
    1. in acts of humility, 
    2. in self-restraint, 
    3. in truth and 
    4. righteousness. 
  4. Observant of 
    1. religion, 
    2. profit, and 
    3. pleasure, 
    4. without neglecting religion and profit, thou shouldst always accomplish those acts in which religion predominates. 
  5. The Brahmanas should always be gratified with presents. All of them deserve thy worship. Thou shouldst never do anything that is injurious to them. They are like flames of fire.


Night Battle Starts With Death of Jayadrata on 14th Day of Mahabharata war


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