
Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Four kinds of encounters with the mace

  1. hurling it at foes at a distance, 
  2. striking at those that are near, 
  3. whirling it in the midst of many, and 
  4. driving the foe before. 


Genealogy of all principal creatures


O king of men, O foremost of intelligent persons, thus hath the genealogy of all the principal creatures been fully described by me. By listening to this, a man is fully cleansed of all his sins, and acquireth great knowledge, and finally attaineth to the first of states in after-life!'"


O foremost of men,

  1. the offspring of Mrigi are all animals of the deer species. 
  2. the offspring of Mrigamanda are all animals of the bear species and those called Srimara (sweet-footed). 
  3. Bhadramana begot the celestial elephants, Airavata. 
  4. the offspring of Hari are all animals of the simian species endued with great activity, so also all the horses. And those animals also, that are called Go-langula (the cow-tailed), are said to be the offspring of Hari. 
  5. Sarduli begot lions and tigers in numbers, and also leopards and all other strong animals. 
  6. the offspring of Matangi are all the elephants. And Sweta begat the large elephant known by the name of Sweta, endued with great speed. 
  7. Surabhi gave birth to two daughters, the amiable Rohini and the far-famed Gandharvi. she had also two other daughters named Vimala and Anala. From Rohini have sprung all kine, and from Gandharvi all animals of the horse species. 
  8. Surasa bore a son called Kanka (a species of long-feathered birds). 
  9. Syeni, the wife of Aruna, gave birth to two sons of great energy and strength, named Sampati and the mighty Jatayu. 
  10. Surasa also bore the Nagas, and Kadru, the Punnagas (snakes). 
  11. Vinata had two sons Garuda and Aruna, known far and wide.


Tamra brought forth five daughters known throughout the worlds. They are Kaki (crow), Syeni (hawk), Phasi (hen), Dhritarashtri (goose), and Suki (parrot).

  1. Kaki brought forth the crows; 
  2. Syeni, the hawks, the cocks and vultures, 
  3. Dhritarashtri, all ducks and swans; and she also brought forth all Chakravakas; 
  4. Suki, of amiable qualities, and possessing all auspicious signs brought forth all the parrots. 
  5. Krodha gave birth to nine daughters, all of wrathful disposition. And their names were Mrigi, Mrigamanda, Hari, Bhadramana, Matangi, Sarduli, Sweta, Surabhi, and the agreeable Surasa blessed with every virtue.


Viswakarman, the founder of all arts. And he was the originator of a thousand arts, the engineer of the immortals, the maker of all kinds of ornaments, and the first of artists. And he it was who constructed the celestial cars of the gods, and mankind are enabled to live in consequence of the inventions of that illustrious one. And he is worshipped, for that reason, by men. And he is eternal and immutable, this Viswakarman.

33 Crore Gods


The united strength of the creatures (such as

  1. Sesha
  2. the Tortoise, and 
  3. the huge Elephant
became capable of supporting the earth with her mountains


Drona firmly believed that Yudhishthira would never speak an untruth even for the sake of the sovereignty of the three worlds. For this reason, that bull among Brahmanas asked Yudhishthira and not any body else. He had hoped for truth from Yudhishthira from the latter's infancy.

"Meanwhile, O monarch, Govinda, knowing that Drona, that foremost of warriors, was capable of sweeping all the Pandavas off the face of the earth, became much distressed. Addressing Yudhishthira he said,

'If Drona fighteth, filled with rage, for even half-a-day, I tell thee truly, thy army will then be annihilated. Save us, then, from Drona. under such circumstances, falsehood is better than truth.

  1. By telling an untruth for saving a life, one is not touched by sin. 
  2. There is no sin in untruth spoken unto women, or in marriages, or for saving king, or for rescuing a Brahmana.' 
While Govinda and Yudhishthira were thus talking with each other, Bhimasena (addressing the king) said, 

'As soon, O monarch, as I heard of the means by which the high-souled Drona might be slain, putting forth my prowess in battle, I immediately slew a mighty elephant, like unto the elephant of Sakra himself, belonging to Indravarman, the chief of the Malavas, who was standing within thy army. I then went to Drona and told him, 'Aswatthaman has been slain, O Brahmana! Cease, then, to fight. Verily, O bull among men, the preceptor did not believe in the truth of words. Desirous of victory as thou art, accept the advice of Govinda. Tell Drona, O King, that the son of Saradwat's daughter is no more. Told by thee, that bull among Brahmanas will never fight. Thou, O ruler of men, art reputed to be truthful in the three worlds.' 
  1. Hearing those words of Bhima and 
  2. induced by the counsels of Krishna, and 
  3. owing also to the inevitability of destiny, 

O monarch, Yudhishthira made up his mind to say what he desired. Fearing to utter an untruth, but earnestly desirous of victory, Yudhishthira distinctly said that Aswatthaman was dead, adding indistinctly the world elephant (after the name),

Before this, Yudhishthira's car had stayed at a height of four fingers' breadth from the surface of the earth; after, however, he had said that untruth, his (vehicle and) animals touched the earth.

Yudhistira to his Army - When Narayana Astra Was Released By Ashwatthama

Let the wishes of king Duryodhana be crowned with success today, for I have today slain in battle the preceptor, that always cherished such friendly feelings towards us,

  1. that preceptor, who, without protecting, caused that child unacquainted with battle, viz., the son of Subhadra, to be slain by a multitude of wicked warriors, 
  2. that preceptor, who with his son, sat indifferently, without answering, when Krishna in such distress, dragged into the assembly and sought to be made a slave, asked him to say the truth, 
  3. that preceptor, who, white all the other warriors were fatigued, cased Duryodhana in invulnerable armour when the latter desired to slay Phalguna and who, having cased him so, appointed him to protect Jayadratha, who, being acquainted with the Brahma weapon, scrupled not to exterminate the Panchalas, headed by Satyajit, that had exerted themselves for my victory, 
  4. that preceptor, who, whilst we were being unrighteously exiled from our kingdom, freely told us to go into the woods although he had been solicited by our friends to withhold his permission.  Alas, that great friend of our hath been slain! .

For his sake, I will, with my friends, lay down my life


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