
Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Forest Kingdom

Pandavas born in Forest

Came to Kingdom

Sent back to Forest by Kauravas - Accompanied by Kunti

Came to Kingdom

Sent back to Forest by Kauravas - Accompanied by Draupadi

Asked to remain there by Duryodana

Destroyed Kauravas to Regain Kingdom

Wanted to go back to forest after knowing Karna as elder brother - Prevented by Vyasa / Krishna

After Some time again left to Forest to travel to Heaven

Choose Bhima

Jarasandha Choose Bhima among Krishna Arjuna to Fight

Duryodana Choose Bhima among Pandavas to Fight

Tuesday, July 30, 2024


 Kauravas Commanders Body-Tan with them but Mind-Man with Pandavas  

Universal Form

Kingdom to Karna / not a inch to Pandavas

Blood Honour

Thursday, July 25, 2024



 Yudhisthira commenced the performance of the Yajna. He asked permission of Krishna to make a respectful call on the priests that were to officiate at the ceremonies. 

  1. Vyâsa, 
  2. Bharadvâja, 
  3. Sumanta, 
  4. Gotama, 
  5. Asita, 
  6. Vasishtha, 
  7. Chyavana, 
  8. Kanva, 
  9. Maitreya and other Rishis, 
  10. Drona, Bhishma, Kripa and others, 
  11. Dhritarâshra with his sons, Vidura, 
  12. Brâhmanas, Vaisyas and Sudras: all the kings and their subjects came to witness the Yajna.

The Brâhmanas prepared the sacrificial ground with golden ploughs. They then initiated king Yudhisthira according to the Vedic rites. The Ritvik Brâhmanas duly assisted at the performance of the Rajasûya. On the day of extracting Sōma Juice, the king duly worshipped the priests and their assistants. Then the time came for worshipping those that were present at the assembly. Now who was to be worshipped first? There were many head-men present and the members consulted with one another as to who deserved to get the first offering but they could not come to a decision.

Sahadeva then addressed the meeting thus: — 
  1. "Sri Krishna, the Lord of the Sâtvats, deserves the first place. 
  2. All the Devas, Time, Space, wealth and all else are but himself. 
  3. He is the soul of the Universe. 
  4. He is the essence of all sacrifices, the sacrificial fire, the sacrificial offerings and Mantras, Sânkhya and Yoga; all relate to him. 
  5. He is the one without a second. Alone, 
  6. He creates, preserves and destroys. 
  7. By His favor men make various performances and from Him they attain the fruits of those performances. 
  8. Give the first welcome-offering of respect to that Great Krishna. 
  9. All beings and even Self shall be honored by this. 
  10. Krishna is the soul of all beings. All differences vanish before him." 
All good people approved of the proposal of Sahadeva. Râjâ Yudhisthira washed the feet of Krishna and sprinkled the water over his own head and that of his relatives. He then made valuable offerings to him. All people saluted Krishna, saying "Namas" (salutation) and "Jaya" (Victory), and flowers rained over his head.

Vasudeva said, "O son of Radha, thou hast worshipped many Brahmanas fully conversant with the Vedas. With concentrated attention and mind free from envy thou hast also (on many an occasion) enquired of them after truth. Thou knowest, therefore, O Karna, what the eternal saying of the Vedas are. Thou art also well-versed in all the subtle conclusions of the scriptures. It is said by those conversant with the scriptures that the two kinds of sons called Kanina and Sahoda that are born of a maiden, have him for their father who weddeth the maid. Thou, O Karna, hast been born in this way.

Thou art, therefore, morally the son of Pandu. Come, be a king, according to the injunction of the scriptures. On the side of thy father, thou hast the sons of Pritha, on the side of thy mother, thou hast the Vrishnis, (for thy kinsmen). O bull among men, know that thou hast these two for thy own. Proceeding this very day with me hence, O sire, let the Pandavas know thee as a son of Kunti born before Yudhishthira. The brothers, the five Pandavas, the son of Draupadi, and the invincible son of Subhadra, will all embrace thy feet. 

All the kings and princes, again, that have been assembled for the Pandava cause, and all the Andhakas and Vrishnis, will also embrace thy feet. Let queens and princesses bring golden and silver and earthen jars (full of water) and delicious herbs and all kinds of seeds and gems, and creepers, for thy installation. During the sixth period, Draupadi also will come to thee (as a wife).

Let that best of Brahmanas, Dhaumya, of restrained soul, pour libations of clarified butter on the (sacred) fire, and let those Brahmanas regarding all the four Vedas as authoritative (and who are acting as priests unto the Pandavas), perform the ceremony of thy installation. Let the family priest of the Pandavas who is devoted to Vedic rites, and those bulls among men—those brothers, the five sons of Pandu,—and the five sons of Draupadi, and the Panchalas, and the Chedis, and myself also, install thee as the lord of the whole earth. 

Let Dharma's son Yudhishthira, of righteous soul and rigid vows, be thy heir presumptive, ruling the kingdom under thee. Holding the white chamara in his hand (for fanning thee), let Yudhishthira, the son of Kunti, ride on the same car behind thee. After thy installation is over, let that other son of Kunti, the mighty Bhimasena, hold the white umbrella over thy head. Indeed, Arjuna then will drive thy car furnished with a hundred tinkling bells, its sides covered with tiger-skins, and with white steeds harnessed to it. Then Nakula and Sahadeva, and the five sons of Draupadi, and the Panchalas with that mighty car-warrior Sikhandin, will all proceed behind thee. I myself, with all the Andhakas and the Vrishnis, will walk behind thee. Indeed, all the Dasarhas and the Dasarnas, will, O king, be numbered with thy relatives. Enjoy the sovereignty of the earth, 

O thou of mighty arms, with thy brothers the Pandavas, with yapas and homas and auspicious rites of diverse kinds performed in thy honour. Let the Dravidas, with the Kuntalas, the Andhras, and the Talacharas, and the Shuchupas, and the Venupas, all walk before thee. Let chanters and panegyrists praise thee with innumerable laudatory hymns. Let the Pandavas proclaim,—Victory to Vasushena. Surrounded by the Pandavas, like the moon by the stars, rule thou the kingdom, O son of Kunti, and gladden Kunti herself. Let thy friends rejoice, and thy enemies grieve. Let there be, this day, a brotherly union between thee and thy brothers, the sons of Pandu.


Dhrishtadyumna kicked Drona after cutting head of drona body

Bhima kicked Duryodana after breaking his thigh

Monday, July 22, 2024

Dance Music


Vasu - Bhishma

Rudra - Ashwatthama

Aditya - Karna

Ashvins - Nakul Sahadeva


Narayana Weapon

Formerly on one occasion, Narayana, assuming the from of a Brahmana, came to my father Drona. Bowing unto him, my father presented his offerings unto him in due form. Taking them himself, the divine Lord offered to give him a boon. My father then solicited that supreme weapon called Narayana. The divine Lord, the foremost of all gods, addressing my sire, said,

No man shall ever become thy equal in battle. This weapon, however, O Brahmana, should never be used in haste.

  1. It never comes back without effecting the destruction of the foe. 
  2. I know none whom it may not slay, 
  3. Indeed, It would slay even the unslayable. 
Therefore, it should not be used (without the greatest deliberation). This mighty weapon, O scorcher of foes, should never be hurled upon

  1. persons that abandon their cars or weapons in battle, or 
  2. upon those that seek for quarter or 
  3. those that wield themselves up.

 He who seeketh to afflict in battle the unslayable with it, is himself exceedingly afflicted by it! --My sire thus received that weapon. Then Lord Narayana, addressing myself also, said,

'With the aid of this weapon, thou too shalt pour diverse showers of celestial weapons in battle and blaze with energy in consequence of it. Having said these words, the divine Lord ascended to heaven.

Meanwhile, Drona's son, having said those words, O Bharata, touched water and invoked the celestial weapon called the Narayana.'"

'When the weapon called Narayana was invoked,

  1. violent winds began to blow with showers of rain, and 
  2. peals of thunder were heard although the sky was cloudless. 
  3. The earth trembled, and the seas swelled up in agitation. 
  4. The rivers began to run in a contrary course. 
  5. The summits of mountains, began to split. 
  6. Diverse animals began to pass by the left side of the Pandavas. 
  7. Darkness set in, the sun became obscure. 
  8. Diverse kinds of carnivorous creatures began to alight on the field in joy. 

The gods, the Danavas, and the Gandharvas, O monarch, all became inspired with fear. Beholding that tremendous agitation (in nature), all began to ask one another loudly about its cause. Indeed, seeing that fierce and terrible weapon invoked by Drona's son, all the kings, inspired with fear, felt great pain.'

  1. thousands of arrows with blazing mouths appeared in the welkin,
  2. resembling snakes of fiery mouths, 
  3. like the very rays of the sun in a moment shrouded all the points of the compass, the welkin, and the troops. 
  4. Innumerable iron balls appeared, like resplendent luminaries in the clear firmament. 
  5. Sataghnis, some equipped with four and some with two wheels, and 
  6. innumerable maces, and 
  7. discs, with edges sharp as razor and resplendent like the sun, also appeared there.

Kesava quickly forbidding the troops, by motion of his arms, to fly away said these words, Speedily lay down your weapons, all of you, and alight from your vehicles. Even this is the means ordained by the illustrious one, (viz., Narayana himself) for baffling this weapon. Come down on the earth, all of you from your elephants and steeds and cars.

If you stand weaponless on the earth, this weapon will not slay you. In those places where you will fight for quelling the force of this weapon the Kauravas will become more powerful than you. Those men, however, that will throw down their weapons and alight from their vehicles, will not in this battle, be slain by this weapon. They, however, that will, even in imagination, contend against this weapon, will all be slain even if they seek refuge deep beneath the earth'. The warriors of the Pandava army, hearing, O Bharata, these words of Vasudeva, threw their weapons and drove away from their hearts all desire of battle. 


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