
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Performing One's Own funeral rites

Samsaptaka means 'sworn warrior'. They were the bravest of the Trigartas, who, led by their King Susarman, had sworn an oath to either kill Arjuna or die in that attempt. 

Trigartas enmity with the Pandavas had started 
  1. when their kingdom was first captured by Arjuna in his campaign to proclaim Yudhishtra as the overlord of all Kings. 
  2. They were also soundly defeated when they assisted Jayadratha to abduct Draupadi.
  3. Once again, they were thwarted by the Pandavas when they attempted to drive away the cattle of King Virata.

They swore the Samsaptaka oath, and performed their own funeral rites, for it was almost certain that their entire clan would be destroyed, and none would be left to offer their funeral cakes.

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